One Health: the development of a global strategy for the integration of human, animal and environmental health. The One Health initiative was established by three sister organisations namely the World Organization for Animal Health (OIE), the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (FAO) with several sponsors.

FEAM and IAMP strongly endorse this initiative, which will be of critical importance in tackling future global challenges including antimicrobial resistance, vector-borne diseases, viral pandemics and noncommunicable diseases. Ignoring this approach has potentially huge health and environmental implications. If we fail to implement a ‘One Health’ approach, we will miss crucial opportunities and consequently face huge financial burdens, for example, due to our lack of preparedness for pandemics and their downstream health and economic consequences.

This topic has been a focus of FEAM’s work for a number of years, starting with a dedicated session in its 2011 Spring Conference in Rome that led to a series of articles published in the Italian Journal of Public Health. In June 2013, FEAM and IAMP hosted a workshop on the ‘Better Integration of Education in One Health’ in Budapest1. More recently, FEAM dedicated another session to the ‘One Health’ concept during its Spring Conference hosted by the Romanian Academy of Medical Sciences on 12 and 13 May 2014 in Bucharest. Our Member Academies comprise experts from human medicine, veterinary medicine, biomedical and environmental science including expertise in comparative medicine.

Based on these discussions, the following recommendations were strongly endorsed in Bucharest:

• Basic science should be a priority in medical, veterinary, biomedical and environmental curricula, providing a framework for a comprehensive understanding of the ‘One Health’ concept.
• The initiative will succeed only if we see a significant increase in the awareness of the public health, clinical and bioethical implications of ‘One Health’. All stakeholders should take responsibility for delivering this, including national governments as well as the OIE, WHO and FAO.
• Funders and policymakers have a responsibility to show leadership in promoting the approach of ‘One Health’ and in supporting research that enhances this approach.
• Better communication is needed between human, animal and environmental health communities, and governments should consider implementing robust mechanisms to achieve this goal.
• FEAM and IAMP will promote the importance of this topic and aims to use its convening power to engage multiple stakeholders from across the sectors in taking the ‘One Health’ agenda forward.

Bucharest, 13 May 2014.



Dana 12. svibnja 2014., Akademija medicinskih znanosti Hrvatske primljena je u članstvo Federacije europskih medicinskih akademija (Federation of European Academies of Medicine, FEAM), na proljetnoj konferenciji održanoj u Bukureštu. Prethodili su pismeni kontakti, provjere uvjeta za članstvo, uspoređivanje sukladnosti statuta FEAM i AMZH. Federaciju europskih medicinskih akademija čini 18 članica, a cilj joj je poticati suradnju među nacionalnim medicinskim akademijama. Federacija tvori platformu na kojoj se izražava i formulira zajednički stav o humanoj i animalnoj medicini, biomedicinskim istraživanjima, edukaciji i zdravlju. Na tome FEAM gradi savjetodavnu ulogu za političku i upravnu vlast Europske unije pri donošenju odluka iz područja medicine, javnog zdravstva i biomedicinskih istraživanja.

Vodeća tema znanstvenog dijela konferencije u Bukureštu bila je ONE HEALTH –Human, animal and environmental health. Europski i svjetski stručnjaci prikazali su spektar tema koje čine jedinstveno zdravlje. Govorilo se o osiguranju kvalitete hrane, genomici humanog i animalnog zdravlja, infekcijama ljudi virusom ptičje gripe, virusu bjesnoće, utjecaju okoliša na pojavu rijetkih karcinoma, dijagnosticiranju i praćenju infekcijskih bolesti u divljih životinja kije se prenose na životinje u uzgoju te na ljude, pojavi Nipah virusa, perspektivama industrije uzgoja životinja za prehranu, važnosti edukacije i regulative za koncept ONE HEALTH.

Iz široke lepeze predavanja i rasprave usklađena je Deklaracija ONE HEALTH koja je objavljena na web stranici Federacije (, objavljuju je i nacionalne akademije članica na svojim mrežnim stranicama, a pridružuje se i AMZH.

Ostale teme kojima će se FEAM baviti tokom 2014./2015. su :

• Kultura prevencije održavanja zdravlja, s naglaskom na zdravo starenje i zdravlje adolescenata
• Uspostavljanje Europske arhive kliničkih istraživanja
• Etička pitanja u kliničkom istraživanju
• Zakonska regulativa zaštite podataka
• Formiranje FEAM Biomedical Forum za razvijanje, poticanje suradnje i interakcije između akademija i industrije na područjima od zajedničkog interesa u biomedicinskim istraživanjima.
• Personalizirana medicina usmjerena na direktno genetsko testiranja korisnika te na genomiku javnog zdravstva

AMZH se uključila u rad FEAMa na nekoliko područja. Naši eksperti sudjelovali su u anketi Survey on Public Health Genomics in European Countries. Ovu temu će Italija promovirati tokom predsjedanja Europskom komisijom u sljedećem razdoblju.

Sudjelovali smo u upoznavanju predstavnika Hrvatske u EU sa stavom znanstvene zajednice o zakonskoj regulativi zaštite podataka (Data protection regulation) u biomedicinskim istraživanjima.




The InterAcademy Partnership (IAP) was formally launched in South Africa in March 2016, bringing together three established networks of academies of science, medicine and engineering, namely IAP, the global network of science academies, the InterAcademy Medical Panel (IAMP) and the InterAcademy Council (IAC).

Under the new InterAcademy Partnership, more than 140 national and regional member academies work together to support the special role of science and its efforts to seek solutions to address the world’s most challenging problems. In particular, IAP harnesses the expertise of the world’s scientific, medical and engineering leaders to advance sound policies, improve public health, promote excellence in science education, and achieve other critical development goals.

The work of the world’s academies of science, medicine and engineering has resulted in lives saved, better education, and more effective policy approaches to a range of issues. Academies are typically independent and highly committed institutions that recognize and promote excellence and achievement. By definition, they are merit-based, with members selected from among the leading scientific minds within a country or region. In addition to their honorific roles, academies are vital civil society institutions that have the credibility to inform the public and policy-makers about problems and potential solutions. Their credibility comes not only from the scientific excellence of their members, but also from the fact that they are free of vested political and commercial interests. Indeed, although many academies were established by national governments and tasked with serving their countries by, among other things, bringing scientific perspectives to bear on national and international issues, they were also constituted as independent bodies.

Just as each IAP member academy represents an authoritative voice nationally, this unified voice of academies under IAP aims to have great impact at the international level. Now, as international attention has turned to the 2015 Sustainable Development Goals, IAP provides a collective mechanism and voice for science academies to further strengthen their crucial roles as providers of evidence-based policy and advice. IAP will also continue to produce evidence-based statements and reports examining major priorities for sustainable development, and provide independent and authoritative advice to national governments and inter-governmental organizations, including the UN, on critical science-based issues.



The Inter Academy Medical Panel (IAMP) is a global network of national academies of medicine and academies of sciences or engineering with medical members committed to working together to improve health world-wide, especially in low-income countries. IAMP activities focus on institutional collaboration to strengthen the role of all academies in alleviating the health burdens of the world’s poorest people; build national scientific capacity in research and higher education to improve health; and provide independent scientific advice on health and science policy to national governments and global organizations.

Pressrelease IAMP



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